How To Create a Membership Contract (Staking)

All you need to know about how to set up a membership contract

In order to create one, go to and click on "Subscriptions" in the sidebar menu, then, select "Membership Contracts". In this section you will manage all of the membership contracts (staking)| of your account. There are 4 tabs within the form:

  1. All -

    1. all of the membership contracts ever created

  2. Published -

    1. All contracts that are published and users are able to choose when subscribing

  3. Draft -

    1. Contracts that still in edit mode. Users will not be able to see or choose draft contracts on your community page.

  4. Archived -

    1. archived contracts are contracts you've archived. Please note, archiving a published contract "turns it off" automatically. Moreover, archived contracts cannot be returned to draft so think twice before sending a contract to archive.

To create a new contract click on "Create New Contract". You can find this button at the top right of the page. You will see a form with the following fields:

  • Name and description - provide as much information as possible for the user about the benefits of the contract. For example, how many rewards per day he is earning.

  • Staking Duration -

    1. The Duration is solely used for the "Maturity Staking" feature. It has no affect on the amount of days the NFTs are staked. the contract is built in a way that as long as the user keeps the NFT staked, it will remain staked "forever". If you are not planning to gamify your contract with the above feature, please choose a duration randomly. There can be only 1 duration per staking contract. As of now there are 4 options:

      1. 7 Days

      2. 15 Days

      3. 30 Days

      4. 60 Days

  • Staking Programs -

    1. There are 2 staking programs available but you must choose one per contract.

      1. Attribute Based Reward -

        1. This is best used for projects that want to have custom rewards based on rarity or trait group. You are able to assign a custom reward value for each attribute and trait.

      2. Collection Based Reward -

        1. This is best used for projects with multiple collections. You are able to assign a custom reward value to each collection in a single vault.

    2. To read more about to pros and cons of the different staking programs here:

  • Reward Token -

    1. The reward token is the one the users will earn for staking their NFTs in the vault. You can only choose one type of token.

      1. If there are no reward tokens in the section, click on "Reward Tokens" in the sidebar menu and connect any token you desire.

    2. You don't have to create your own custom SPL token! you can reward your community in $SOL for everyday of staking for example.

    3. To read more about how to connect a reward token :

After you save, the contract will appear under the Draft tab. Click on it.

A staking contract consists of 5 parts (tabs):

Staking Type -

  1. The staking type defines how will the NFTs are staked. This is predefined and cannot be changed.

    1. Non Custodial Program -

      1. The NFTs under a contract using the "Non Custodial" type can be un-staked at any time. When NFTs are staked, the user signs a smart contract where the NFTs remain in his wallet. As long as he doesn't remove them from that wallet he will be accumulating the daily rewards until he decides to un-stake the NFT. If he lists the NFT or transfers it to a different wallet, the staking stops automatically and the rewards accumulated up to the time of TX will be sent to the user.

Info Tab -

  1. In this tab you can update the name and description you gave upon creation of the contract.

  2. Upcoming Subscription Benefits -

    1. Showcase the future benefits for subscribers. This is only an indicator for your users what extra benefits there are for staking other than the reward tokens. To launch reward campaigns, please go to "Rewards" on the sidebar menu. The 3 options are:

      1. Discounts

      2. Redeemables

      3. Events

    Here is an example of how it will show in the UI under the contract description:

Integrations Tab -

  1. If you've integrated your Discord server with our platform via "Social Integrations" in the sidebar menu, in this tab you can choose which Discord role you wish to give your holders who subscribed.

Collections Tab -

  1. In this tab you will upload your collection's hash list of token addresses so the platform will know which NFTs can be subscribed. Based on the program you chose when creating the contract (collection based / attribute based), you will be asked to perform a couple of tasks. If collection based - all you'll need to do is upload the file and set the daily reward of which each NFT will earn when subscribed. If attribute based - upon uploading the file, you will map all the attributes of your collection. Then, you will need to define the daily reward per trait of each attribute. Keep in mind, when an NFT is staked, the platform checks the attribute mapping and sums up the daily reward of all of its traits. The outcome is the daily reward of the NFT.

Maturity Tab -

Fee Add on -

  1. As a brand, you can decide if you want to add a fee on top of the platform's default fees. To do so, simply insert a wallet address and the fee in $SOL. Upon every transaction the amount you defined will go to the wallet automatically.


After creating your staking contract click on "Create Staking Plan" in the sidebar menu. You will find the staking contract under the "DRAFT" tab. You just created a contract but you haven't published it just yet.

To continue reading on our to publish a staking contract -

How To Publish a Staking Contract

Last updated